Sunday, June 1st, 12pm
The 2025 Pittsburgh Pride March and Parade will be held on Sunday, June 1st.
Lineup will begin at 10:00 AM along Liberty Avenue between 11th Street and 16th Street in the Strip District. There are no assigned spaces, just assigned zones. Participants are asked to please pay attention to what zone they are assigned and proceed to the assigned area. Participants will be placed in order by volunteers upon arrival.
All vehicles participating in the parade must enter the lineup from Penn Avenue at 16th Street in the Strip District and proceed slowly to their designated zone. No vehicles besides motorcycles and other official Pride support vehicles may line up closer to Downtown than 12th Street along Liberty Avenue. All vehicles must be in the lineup by 11:00 AM, no exceptions.

From 11th Street at Liberty Avenue the parade will proceed down Liberty Ave towards 7th Street, turn right on 7th Street and continue across the Andy Warhol Bridge, continue on Sandusky Street, turn left on to South Commons and proceed to Allegheny Commons Park West for the Pittsburgh Pride Festival.
Line up for the march and parade will begin at 10:00 AM at 11th Street and Liberty Avenue downtown near the Strip District. All vehicles (except motorcycles) must enter the lineup from 16th Street and Liberty Avenue. Vehicles must be in lineup by 11:00 AM NO EXCEPTIONS.
Speakers at 11:30 AM. Parade steps off at 12:00 PM SHARP.
“The March”
Zone 1, All Individuals: Liberty Avenue from 11th Street to 12th Street
All individuals are welcome to march in the Pittsburgh Pride March and Parade in support of LGBTQ+ rights. No registration is required. Come march together as a united community. Zone 1 also includes the motorcycles, the giant Pride flag, the grand marshal’s vehicles, the banner, over 100 Progress Pride flags, and any group from Zone 2 that would like to march united with the community. Group banners are allowed to be carried in this section.
Zone 2, LGBTQ+ Groups and organizations without vehicles: Liberty Avenue from 12th Street to the PWSA driveways (13th Street)
Zone 2 is led by the Pittsburgh Pride Colorgaurd. The colorgaurd and their support vehicle will lineup and practice on 12th Street at Liberty Avenue.
The Parade
Zone 3, LGBTQ+ Groups and organizations with vehicles: Liberty Avenue from PWSA driveways (13th Street) to 14th Street
Zone 4, All small businesses and corporations: Liberty Avenue from 14th Street to 16th Street

Best viewing locations are along Liberty Avenue, Downtown, the Andy Warhol Bridge, and West Commons as the parade reaches the festival. All are welcome to join the march and parade as it passes!
The review stage will be located on Liberty Avenue near the intersection with Grant Street. Speakers will begin at 11:30 AM. The parade will step off at 12:00 PM sharp.
The march and parade information booth will be located on Liberty Ave at Grant Street.
Each group participating in the parade will be announced via a sound system at the corner of 7th St and Liberty Avenue near the Wood Street T Station.
Questions about the march and parade, including lineup times, order, and registration may be directed to Jeff@QBurgh.com